My Dear fellow club members, the first year of being Commodore is up.
Yes, I will be running for re-election in August. So that you are aware of the election process. As the Commodore, in June I will appoint a nominating committee chairperson, then in July I will appoint a election committee chairperson. I have already asked Glen Blue for both positions and he has graciously accepted on behalf of the Gilford Park Yacht Club. You'll find out comes at the June meeting. Not only is the Commodores position up, so is the Vice Commodore, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary. These positions are for a one-year term. Out of eight trustee positions, four of these positions are also up. These electee's will hold a two-year term. These positions are serious and the operation of the club depends on all elected members to do their job that they either ran for or are appointed to after being elected. As members its your job to make sure that you put the right people into these positions. In the July meeting you will find out who these nominees will be, maybe it will be you. As members it will be your job to ask these nominees questions regarding their intentions or for their qualifications and why they should be voted in. The elections are held on the second Saturday in August from 7:30pm to 9pm. Save the date and the time for it is your obligation as a member to cast your vote. The Memorial Day picnic was a huge success. Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to those who worked at it. The crab contest date has been set. It will be July 15th, details to follow. Again, this event does not happen by itself. We will need workers for the day. As always, check the website for all information regarding the club. Thank you, your Commodore Ed Horton |
AuthorVanessa Heinzman is the current Commodore of the Gilford Park Yacht Club. Archives
January 2024